But if those who walk in off the street and realise the truth of their being want it just as much as those who put in decades of recovery practice, guess what? They are at no disadvantage whatsoever. None. Zero. And by the way, having put decades into the recovery life and meditational practice does not necessarily mean that we actually value the truth more than anything else. It’s no guarantee. But to take awakening into our recovery requires a certain sort of fierce commitment to the truth. It is a surrender to what is realised, a surrender to not be moved in the face of anything. And for anybody who loves the truth, really loves the truth, this surrender is not going to be avoided.
In the past, the deepest teachings were reserved for a very small part of the recovery population. Those were the people who became deacons of the order, and committed their entire existence to get the teachings. You couldn’t get the teachings until you’d done that, walked away from family and friends and life as you knew it, and put everything on the line. And even then, teachers wouldn’t give the teachings to you immediately. They’d probably make you wait some years. Why? Because those few recovered members knew that to really take awakening to recovery or liberation was going to require that kind of commitment, that kind of love of the truth, and the kind of person who would put all their eggs into that basket, right there.
Today you do not have to live in that rarified environment or commit our entire life to get the teachings of the truth. And yet, to realise our recovery truth and then take it all the way into living and being what we really are, fully and completely, the internal commitment is not any less. It can’t be any less because nothing less than a full, internal love of truth will do. If you love anything more than you love the truth, there’s no way this realisation can complete itself. You can realise it, you can awaken, and you can have a nice recovery experience, but it’s not going to be something that’s going to be stable and effortless, or last forever. That’s just the physics of it. I’m not writing the rules. It’s just the way things are.
When you realise the truth, then you know that this truth is not fooling around. This truth wants you, and it wants your life, and it’s going to devour you and eat you up for dinner. The truth is not playing games. I’ve had more than one person say, “ how do I turn this off? How do I back out of this deal? This isn’t what I signed up for.” And the only answer is, “Sorry, it’s too late, you can’t back out. You can walk away from us and from all teachers, and from recovery altogether. You can go to the end of the earth and play some other game, but it’s too late. You can’t un-realise what you realise.” It’s a game until it’s not, but by the time you realise that it’s not a game, you can’t back out.
We want our Sobriety,liberation, freedom, bliss, peace, love, and total release from fear. We want all the accoutrements of recovery without having to pay the price. We don’t want to pay the price of a total commitment,... a total commitment. Were not speaking of anything that is separate or different from our life. This doesn’t have anything to do with the monastery or leaving your day-to-day existence. The truth is here in every single moment of our life. That’s the truth. It’s not separate from our life. We can’t run away from ourself and our life in order to awaken to recovery reality. our life is our path to awakening.We Stop and open our eyes: We were free from the very beginning.
Please understand that it’s not you that wakes up; it’s reality that wakes up, the truth wakes up. You are not recovered; recovery is recovered. Ultimately this realisation doesn’t have anything to do with individuals, since there aren’t any separate individuals. That is the whole illusion, that there is something separate from the ultimate reality. When it’s clear that there’s nothing going on other than the ultimate reality, it’s a done deal -- Recovery becomes effortless.
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