Our child within’s self-esteem reflects how we feel about ourself and contributes to how we approach our world. Although our level of self-esteem can vary slightly from day to day, we have a general feeling about our value and self-worth. Low self-esteem is reflected in our behaviour, body language, approach to life and overall demeanour.Avoidance Behaviours
Our child within has low-self esteem, we likely don’t feel comfortable around new people or situations.
If this is the case, we will feel awkward and tend to avoid anything unfamiliar. Often, we will be hesitant to take risks or move out of our comfort zone. With this behaviour, our child within will miss valuable social opportunities and situations where we can learn and grow from a new experience.Low Confidence Level
We will be overly critical of the skills we posses or how we looks.
A lack of confidence often goes hand in hand with low self-esteem. We notice our child talking negatively about ourself and our abilities. We will be overly critical of the skills we posses or how we look. We use pessimistic phrasing about the world in general.Our body language, such as slumped shoulders, sad facial expression and downcast eyes, will show a low level of confidence without us even saying a word.
If this is the case, we will feel awkward and tend to avoid anything unfamiliar. Often, we will be hesitant to take risks or move out of our comfort zone. With this behaviour, our child within will miss valuable social opportunities and situations where we can learn and grow from a new experience.Low Confidence Level
A lack of confidence often goes hand in hand with low self-esteem. We notice our child talking negatively about ourself and our abilities. We will be overly critical of the skills we posses or how we look. We use pessimistic phrasing about the world in general.Our body language, such as slumped shoulders, sad facial expression and downcast eyes, will show a low level of confidence without us even saying a word.
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