Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Hidden Agendas it can be a very intense process to break through all the hidden agendas that hold us back from creating our own recovery life.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The thing that we've come to see over and over again when we come to a new recovery with us is that we already know what they want. ...
The thing that we've come to see over and over again when we come to a new recovery with us is that we already know what they want. We already know what our recovery dreams are. We already know what we have to do, and yet we don't.

And it can be a very intense process to break through all the hidden agendas that hold us back from creating our own recovery 

Here are some:

I'm too old.

I'm too young.

I'm not smart enough.

I don't have enough education.

I have too much experience.

I'm over my childhood.

I'm not damaged by my experiences.

I don't have enough time.

I can't meditate.

There are millions more, but those are some of the most common ones that we see.

And what's fascinating is that these beliefs can overtake us. It's always a miracle when we begin to understand that they are not our beliefs, but our personal beliefs are patterns from our ancestral childhood.

So it's not so much about learning to change who you are as it is learning to change certain patterns set in childhood within us.

We've always believed that when we have a limiting belief, it's true in the moment, but not ultimately true.

So wherever our limiting beliefs are, that circumstance might be true in the moment, but there is always another way of looking at problems and circumstances where you can call forth more resourcefulness and creativity than you thought you had.

And remember, while circumstances might not be ideal, who you are is FAR greater than that. Circumstances never ultimately dictate how far in life we go, but rather how we respond to our circumstances.

We are always responsible for how we respond to life. So the question is, if you are experiencing limits in your life, how are you responding? Are you responding with more limitation, or can you broaden your horizons and see that in this moment there is a greater opportunity for more creativity and resourcefulness than you thought you had?

Dissociation Addiction Disorder

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