Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We with a dissociative addiction disorder may experience too much and intrusions may occur.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We with a dissociative addiction disorder may experience too much and intrusions may occur. Intrusions happen when one dissociative part...
We with a dissociative addiction disorder may experience too much and intrusions may occur. Intrusions happen when one dissociative part intrudes into the experience of another and this may take place in any area of experience, such as memories, thoughts, feelings and sharing with others. Dissociative intrusions include flashbacks, sudden feelings thoughts and behaviours, sensations or pain that have no medical cause and ultimately relapse to a drug of choice. These intrusions happen when a dissociative part of us suddenly enters conscious awareness. It is often hard, at the beginning of the ten stages to know if a symptom is related to dissociation or not.

Dissociation Addiction Disorder

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